Search results for: seed library

Take & Give: Seed Library

August 29, 2023

Seed Library Locations Our Seed Library locations are: Check for gardening programs on our online events calendar. How Do Seed Libraries Work? You borrow from a selection of vegetable, herb, and flower seeds during the year, plant them in your garden, and watch them grow. When it’s time to harvest, collect some seeds to bring […]

It’s the 1-Year Anniversary of Spokane Valley Library! There’s A Lot to Share!

June 17, 2024

It is hard to believe that it has been a year since the new Spokane Valley Library opened! The new facility is popular. It has had double the number of monthly visitors compared to the previous location, averaging around…

Imagine & Create: 3D Printing at Spokane Valley Library

November 15, 2023

By Abra Cole 3D Printing at Spokane Valley Library A frequently asked question we’ve gotten since the new Spokane Valley Library has opened is: “When will 3D printing return?” Well, I am here to share the good news: 3D printing is back and we’re accepting printing requests! We’re offering STEM programs on how to make […]

Gardener cuts rose leaves off with pruner to prepare bush for winter. Work in autumn garden. Taking care of plants

Fall Gardening & Seed Libraries: Helpful Tips, Masterful Resources & Great Books

September 6, 2023

September is a great time to start getting your garden ready for the long winter ahead and the coming spring. Our Fall Garden Cleanup class in September is an informative class led by Master Gardener Steve Nokes. He discusses the importance of fall cleanup in the garden, along with easy steps to get it all done. Plus check out these books and online resources.

Growing Your Garden with Resources for Seed Saving & Our Seed Libraries

August 31, 2022

By Abra Cole If you’re a gardener, this time of year usually means two things: it’s seed saving time and we’re due to get our fall crops planted. This summer has been a little strange for many Inland Northwest gardeners. The heat came later than usual, and it was preceded by unusually large amounts of […]

Grow Your Garden: Borrow & Share Seeds at Our Seed Libraries

March 3, 2022

By Gwendolyn Haley Spokane County is a community of gardeners, and the movement is growing. Last year, the library distributed over 2,000 seed packets to community members through our seed libraries, helping people discover the joy of growing their own food.  What Is a Seed Library? A seed library is run for the benefit of […]

Saving seeds from the garden: Lovage, snap peas, and coriander

July 3, 2019

By Abra Cole Ah, summer. Here you are again, bringing all that sunshine and heat and gardening goodness with you. For most of us gardeners, our seasonal plants have not only been selected by now, but they’re planted and fairly well established in our gardens. Many perennials are blooming, or nearly so. The time has […]

The art of saving seeds

July 31, 2018

by Abra Cole In a remote vault located halfway between mainland Norway and the North Pole, nearly one million seed varieties are stored. The purpose of this immense storage facility is to ensure the genetic future of these seed varieties, should any of the gene banks located around the world suffer catastrophic disaster. One hundred […]

Sharing your harvest’s bounty at library produce swaps

August 8, 2017

by Gwendolyn Haley My eyes are bigger than my freezer and pantry. Every year, I plant a little garden, only to be overwhelmed when everything starts to ripen at once. My family starts to groan and say, “No more… beans, tomatoes, squash” and so on. Each spring, I underestimate just how much produce will come […]

Twas the night before… at the library

December 20, 2016

By Jane Baker ‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the library The patrons had left with all the books they could carry; Computer screens were blank and turned off for the night, The book drops emptied, ready for first light; The library was silent, but if you were really still Echos of storytime […]