About the Trustees
Meeting Minutes
The Board of Trustees is the governing body for Spokane County Library District, an independent special-purpose district created by voters in 1942 to provide public library services to unincorporated Spokane County and affiliated cities.
The five-member Board establishes Library District policies, oversees finances and levies the property tax that comprises the majority of District funding.
Trustees are unpaid volunteers appointed by Spokane County Commissioners and may serve a maximum of two consecutive five-year terms.
Board meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month at 4pm. Meetings take place at the Argonne Library public meeting room adjacent to the District’s Administrative Offices, but are occasionally held at other libraries as well.
Dates, times and locations of meetings are subject to change, so please call 893.8200 or check here to confirm details.
A preliminary meeting agenda is available on the Wednesday preceding the meeting date. The agenda is posted on the District’s website, at our libraries, and is available at the Administrative Offices.
Jessica Hanson was appointed to the Board of Trustees in January 2021. She is a graduate of the University of Idaho with a master’s degree in Architecture with over 14 years of design experience, specializing in educational, commercial, and multi-family affordable housing facilities.
Hanson’s previous community experience includes service as a city council member in Pomeroy, Wash., and coaching high school cross country.
Hanson believes public library systems to be one of the single greatest assets of a community.
First term expires December 31, 2025.
Jon Klapp was appointed to the Board of Trustees in January 2022. Klapp is a graduate of Whitman College with a degree in English and Creative Writing. He has been a Civil Service employee of the City of Spokane for the last six years, working with and managing the operations of Customer Service and Public Works departments for the City.
Klapp is a volunteer with Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture and is a co-director of the City Employee Art Show and Exhibition.
Klapp believes the library system to be an invaluable institution of knowledge and access for the communities that Spokane County Library District serves.
First term expires December 31, 2026
Ellen Clark, a Spokane Valley resident for over 35 years, was appointed to the Board of Trustees in September 2021. A graduate of the University of Hawaii at Manoa and the Gonzaga University School of Law, she retired from the Spokane County Superior Court and is grateful to be a part of continuing the mission of the Spokane County Library District.
Clark believes that libraries serve an important part in the life of a community and supports the District’s expansion of programs and services in meeting the changing needs of its customers beyond the traditional role of a library.
Clark is also president of a small local nonprofit organization supporting the Millwood community, and volunteers at a local hospital.
First term expires December 31, 2024.
Robert M. Paull joined the Board of Trustees in March 2023. A graduate of the University of Montana, he has 39 years of experience as a physical therapist and co-owner of Apex Physical Therapy.
Now retired, Paull is a member of multiple committees at Hamblen Park Presbyterian Church as well as a member of the Spokane Regional Health District’s Food Safety Board.
Paull believes that SCLD is a unique system with ten libraries that provide opportunities in multiple communities to connect, educate, and explore knowledge and that the District is meeting the needs of individuals from preschool to adulthood.
First term expires December 31, 2027
Patti Stauffer was appointed to the Board of Trustees in February 2024. Stauffer is a graduate of Indiana University with a B.S. in Biology and an M.S. in Environmental Science and is the Director for Health Sciences Public Policy and Advocacy at Washington State University. She has more than 25 years of administrative and advocacy experience with nonprofit organizations and academic institutions working to improve health outcomes, with an emphasis on women and children.
Stauffer grew up in a rural community in Iowa and has historical family ties to the greater Coeur d’Alene/Spokane area.
Stauffer believes that access to full, extensive, modern, and technologically connected public library services is essential for promoting educational attainment within a community, critical to lifelong learning and a key component to building a civically engaged citizenry.
First term expires December 31, 2029
Board of Trustees meeting minutes are formally approved at the following month’s regular meeting. Since only approved minutes are included on this page, they are always at least a month behind the current date.