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Digital Library: Making the most of the online resources

Posted in News on March 26, 2020 at 10:40 am

When you are learning, working, or relaxing at home, you’ll find that we have digital resources to save you money and help you learn and have some fun. To get the most out of our digital resources, visit our Digital Library web page. There, you’ll see a drop-down list of categories in the upper right-side […]

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Become a fiction frequent flyer with short stories

Posted in Explore and Discover on March 25, 2020 at 6:00 am

By Melissa Rhoades As a novel enthusiast, I love returning to the same characters, settings, and writing styles for days or weeks at a time. It feels like taking an extended vacation. Short stories, in comparison, can feel like weekend getaways that end too soon. But Neil Gaiman has pointed out the positive side of […]

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Green looks good on you: Digital resources for gardening

Posted in News on March 18, 2020 at 6:00 am

Whether you’re new to gardening or looking to spruce up your spring and summer gardens, you’re bound to find the ideas, information, and help you need with these digital resources. Hobbies & Crafts Reference Center Find creative gardening ideas and how-to instructions for many gardening projects and topics, including these and more from Hob […]

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Discussing difficult topics with children

Posted in kids, Parents and Teachers on March 11, 2020 at 6:00 am

father and daughter talking, with dog in park By Gwendolyn Haley I have found that parenting includes the need to have difficult conversations with children. My family recently lost a beloved dog, Pepe, who had been with us for over 14 years. He was an old dog and spent more and more of his time resting and sleeping. So while we were prepared […]

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Booklist for kids: Reading for the Earth

Posted in Parents and Teachers on March 4, 2020 at 6:00 am

By Sheri Boggs Although Earth Day isn’t until April 22, the blue skies, longer days, chirping birds, and tiny green spears of germinating bulbs are enough to remind us of the everyday beauty of our planet—and the increasingly alarming need for wise stewardship of it. While it can be tricky to talk to kids about […]

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A post-Valentine’s Day booklist

Posted in Explore and Discover on February 26, 2020 at 6:00 am

By Rachel Underwood Another Valentine’s Day has come and gone. Like me, you’ve probably been inundated with images of fresh, happy, young couples and the candy they gleefully devour together. Maybe you were single this Valentine’s Day and had a fun night with friends; maybe your cat decided that a mid-dinner-date hairball expulsion was a […]

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Kindergarten registration, plus games & activities to get ready

Posted in News, Parents and Teachers on February 25, 2020 at 6:00 am

By Mary Ellen Braks It’s hard to believe that it is already time for parents to register their children for kindergarten. March 1 is the first day to register for most school districts in Spokane County. Even though school doesn’t start until September, this early registration allows for school districts to plan ahead to have […]

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Bright shining sounds (Part 1): A social justice playlist

Posted in Explore and Discover on February 19, 2020 at 6:00 am

By Susan Goertz I don’t remember when I first fell in love with music. Maybe while being soothed by my mother’s susurrations as she gently rocked me into the world. Or maybe it was the chickadees and blackbirds trilling from the meadow adjacent to our back yard. It could have been the first time the […]

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Playing games, practicing math!

Posted in Parents and Teachers on February 12, 2020 at 6:00 am

By Rachel Edmondson I have always been a fan of games. When my kids were younger, I could hardly wait for them to be old enough to move on from Candy Land to more interesting games—ones that I could actually enjoy too! When thinking about games, we often think about reasoning and strategy, which are […]

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Glowforge 3D laser printer offers a different way to create

Posted in Explore and Discover on February 5, 2020 at 6:00 am

By Abra Cole If you’ve visited the North Spokane Library in 2019, you may have noticed the scent of burning wood. Or, maybe you noticed machine that is over 3 feet wide and 1 1/2 feet deep back in The Lab doing… something. That’s the District’s Glowforge 3D laser printer. And it is one of […]

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