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Enjoy Quality Time with Your Family & Friends with Cold Weather Activities

Posted in Explore and Discover on November 29, 2023 at 6:00 am

By Alison Johnson Winter is a great time to curl up under a blanket with a hot cup of tea and a great book—especially if my dog is curled up too and warming my feet. But if you have an active family with young people like mine, then you might need to have some activities […]

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Seasonal Depression: Things That Help Me During the Dark Months

Posted in Explore and Discover on November 22, 2023 at 6:00 am

The changing of the seasons brings delight with bright colored leaves against a blue sky and the smell of earth as everything starts to decompose in a pleasant way. Unfortunately, this time of year also brings something that I dread—and it isn’t the cinnamon-scented pinecones and brooms that appear at stores (although these are no fun for someo […]

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Imagine & Create: 3D Printing at Spokane Valley Library

Posted in Explore and Discover on November 15, 2023 at 6:00 am

By Abra Cole 3D Printing at Spokane Valley Library A frequently asked question we’ve gotten since the new Spokane Valley Library has opened is: “When will 3D printing return?” Well, I am here to share the good news: 3D printing is back and we’re accepting printing requests! We’re offering STEM programs on how to make […]

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Accepting Applications for Spokane County Library District Board of Trustees

Posted in News on November 14, 2023 at 6:00 am

Spokane County Commissioners are now accepting applications for a Spokane County Library District Board of Trustees position. Applications are accepted until the position is filled. Trustees are unpaid volunteers and serve five-year terms. Current Trustee and Chair John Craig’s second term expires on December 31, 2023. Spokane County Library Dist […]

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LEGO Stop-Motion Animation: Workshops, Call for Submissions & Movie Screening

Posted in News on November 8, 2023 at 6:00 am

LEGO bricks have long been beloved by kids and adults alike for their versatility and endless creative possibilities. But did you know that these colorful building blocks can also serve as the perfect medium for stop-motion animation? You can sign up for a stop-motion animation workshop, submit your video creation to our movie screening, and celebr […]

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Share Your Voice: Opportunity to Volunteer for the Transportation Equity Working Group

Posted in Explore and Discover on November 7, 2023 at 6:00 am

The Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC) is currently recruiting potential participants to come share their voices about transportation topics that directly affect our region and how federal funds are spent. Learn how you can join the Transportation Equity Working Group and let your voice be heard. […]

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Admiring Book Art: Imagining Your Own Stories When Viewing Illustrations

Posted in Explore and Discover on November 1, 2023 at 6:00 am

My favorite book illustrations are the ones that feel like paintings. Sometimes they captivate me because they tell a clear story in one glance. Sometimes I’m drawn in because of their mystery, and I squint harder, wanting to puzzle out the meaning. No matter how it happens, I treasure those moments when I am transported by a skillfully executed […]

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Helplines, Crisis Services & Other Resources for Spokane County Residents (2023 Update)

Posted in Explore and Discover, News on October 26, 2023 at 4:00 am

By Crystal Miller Note: This is an update to a previous post. A crisis can occur at any point in life, whether it stems from a natural disaster, a health emergency, or interpersonal trauma. It can affect many aspects of life, including financial needs, emotional health, physical health, and mental health, among others. It is […]

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5 Ways to Make an Impact Against Domestic Violence in October

Posted in Explore and Discover on October 18, 2023 at 6:00 am

Guest blog by Taffy Hunter Domestic Violence Awareness/Action Month Preventing domestic violence requires a collective and proactive effort from every community member. It goes beyond mere awareness and encompasses diverse strategies and initiatives to create a culture of respect and empathy. These initiatives are tailored to equip individuals with […]

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Finding Fall Picture Books: Good Reads for the Holidays & Every Day

Posted in Parents and Teachers on October 11, 2023 at 6:00 am

Mother and daughter enjoying reading a book together relaxing in the autumn leaves at the park Autumn is a beautiful time. Deciduous trees make their colorful transformations. Cooler temperatures prevail. People revel in steaming beverages and cuddly sweaters. Autumn is also the time when seasonal children’s books are especially popular for check out. Even with over 100 picture book titles that come up in our catalog for searches for autu […]

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