Author: Savannah Stewart

Reading Romance: Did These 4 Novels Turn Me into a Romantic?

Posted in Explore and Discover on March 13, 2024 at 6:00 am

After a rough year, I decided that I would branch out and stretch my preferred reading tastes. Normally, I stick with thrillers and horror. Shockingly (okay, not so shockingly), this doesn’t help my existing anxiety problems. Which genre would I dive into, which felt the scariest? The answer for me was... romance (cue the Twilight Zone theme song […]

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Seasonal Depression: Things That Help Me During the Dark Months

Posted in Explore and Discover on November 22, 2023 at 6:00 am

The changing of the seasons brings delight with bright colored leaves against a blue sky and the smell of earth as everything starts to decompose in a pleasant way. Unfortunately, this time of year also brings something that I dread—and it isn’t the cinnamon-scented pinecones and brooms that appear at stores (although these are no fun for someo […]

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Dementia in the Family: Helpful Books, Useful Resources & Weekly Memory Care Programs

Posted in Explore and Discover on July 26, 2023 at 6:00 am

Dementia is a term that encompasses several diseases that affect the brain and cause memory issues. Unfortunately, dementia isn’t uncommon for our aging population. A common misconception is that extreme memory loss and forgetfulness is a regular symptom of aging. However... […]

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Journey of a Citizen Scientist: Finding Meaningful & Helpful Interactions with Nature

Posted in Explore and Discover on April 26, 2023 at 6:00 am

By Savannah Stewart For the past few years, I’ve been working on connecting more with my environment—not just in a meditative sense, although I have been doing that as well. I’ve been focusing on doing things that are impactful to our community and that get me outside more. A couple years ago, I stumbled across […]

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An Unexpected Summer Reading List: Not Your Average Beach Reads

Posted in Explore and Discover on July 13, 2022 at 6:00 am

By Savannah Stewart When it comes to beach reads, mine usually fall into the “this isn’t what I expected” category. Ideally, beach reads are easy-going and don’t interfere with your summer vibe. I’ve found that the books I like to read can’t live up to this ideal. And mostly, I never end up reading very […]

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New Cookbooks Filled with Delicious Food & Drink Recipes That Are So Good

Posted in Explore and Discover on March 29, 2022 at 6:00 am

Family cooking a meal in the kitchen By Savannah Stewart Cookbooks are a labor of love for those who write them. When I recreate, share, and consume the finished recipes, it feels like I’m honoring and extending that love. Who knows, you may find the food of your dreams in your wanderings through the pages of a cookbook. I love that I […]

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Book Gift Ideas You Can Check Out at the Library Before You Buy

Posted in Explore and Discover on December 8, 2021 at 6:00 am

The holiday season is when I love to give books as presents to family and friends. I read a wide variety of titles throughout the year, and inevitably, as I’m reading, I’ll think of someone who will also enjoy the book. So, I’ve complied this list of books that could make great gifts for your loved ones too. I’ve sorted them into interests […]

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