Book Butler

Book Butler does the browsing for you!

Book Butler is our service that provides you with books in genres you enjoy reading. Spend less time looking for a good book and more time reading one.

Each Book Butler bundle contains 3 to 6 titles curated by our staff from the genres of your choice. You may discover a new favorite author or a book that you might not have found browsing on your own.

How Book Butler works

  • Submit the Book Butler Request Form below, selecting from a list of book genres and sub-genres that interest you and providing other information about what you like to read.
  • Our staff selects 3–6 books based on your Book Butler request.
  • We place those items on hold to your library account. (Note: Your library account will need to have fewer than 20 items on hold for us to place your Book Butler selections on hold for you.)
  • You receive a notice that the holds are ready for pickup at the library you selected in the Book Butler request.
  • You can then come to the library to get your books. You can even use our curbside pickup service to have them delivered to your vehicle.

Additional information

  • Customers who need help filling out the Book Butler form or choosing genres, can call 509.893.8400 to get assistance from library staff.
  • This service is available to any library customer with an active library card in good standing.
  • This service is not for those looking for specific authors or titles.
  • Formats available for Book Butler are regular print books, large print books, and audiobooks on CD.
  • All items checkout for four weeks.
  • Due to demand, use of this service is limited to twice per month per library cardholder.

Your Book Butler information

We record the Book Butler selections we’ve made for you in order to prevent duplication in future Book Butler requests. We value your privacy and keep your information strictly confidential.

You may decline (opt out of) having your Book Butler suggestions recorded by checking the Opt Out option in the form below.

If you do not opt out when making a Book Butler request and decide at a later time that you would like to opt out, you can call 509.893.8400 to let us know and we will delete your Book Butler records.

Book Butler Request Form

Book Butler
I would like books written for
Select one or more options
Select one or more options

Share an author, title, or book series that you particularly enjoyed. We will use this information as we make selections for you.
Share with us anything you do not enjoy reading, including past Book Butler selections and titles, authors, or series you would like us to avoid (for example: no violence, no princesses, no books series, etc.). We will do our best to accommodate your preferences in our selections.
Have you used this service before?

Collecting & storing information
We record the Book Butler selections we’ve made for you in order to prevent duplication in future Book Butler bundles. We value your privacy and keep your information strictly confidential. You may decline (opt out of) having your Book Butler suggestions recorded by checking the Opt Out option below.