Suggest an Item

We welcome your suggestions of items to consider for our collection.

Check for Items

Before suggesting an item, please check our catalog and our digital resources hoopla, Kanopy, and OverDrive for the item to see if we already provide it.

Digital Reads

To suggest an eBook or audiobook, please use the Libby app to search for titles in our collection. If the title(s) aren’t in our OverDrive/Libby collection, you can tag titles to be alerted when they are added.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Requests for items may be met through resource sharing with other libraries (interlibrary loan), electronic retrieval, or other means when feasible.

Requests for DVDs and CDs cannot be fulfilled through interlibrary loan.

All interlibrary loan materials can be checked out for two weeks. Some interlibrary loan materials cannot be renewed.

Approved requests will take approximately 3–8 weeks to arrive, and we are unable to provide an exact date of arrival.

Policy & Limits

Not all requests for an item will be approved. For more information on our selection process, please read the Collection Development Policy.

We can only accept up to 5 suggestions for physical items per person each month.

Suggest an Item Form

Suggest an Item

Card and Pickup Information

Contact Information

First Name
Last Name

Item Suggestion

If an eBook or eAudiobook isn’t in our OverDrive/Libby collection, you can recommend a title using the “Notify Me” smart tag in the Libby App. Learn more about how to recommend titles by tagging in Libby.

Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary loans are available for in-district customers and are fulfilled through loans from other library systems. If you select No, we cannot guarantee that your suggested item will be purchased and made available for check out.
Interlibrary loan option