All locations will be closed for Staff Development Day on Friday, May 17. You can access our Digital Library 24/7.

Homework Help

General Resources
English and Literature
History and Geography
Math and Science

General Resources

Khan Academy
An extensive library of content, including interactive challenges, assessments, and videos

Collection of over 200 study guides on topics including literature, philosophy, chemistry, biology, physics, and mathematics

Includes sound, video, animation, quizzes, and interactive features on topics from science and math to geography and history

Fact Monster
Kids only version of the Infoplease Almanac that includes a dictionary, encyclopedia, homework center, “today in history,” and a word of the day

Online tutors for all ages available every day from 2-10pm; skills building, practice tests, study tools, and online collaboration available any time
Valid library card number required

Opposing Viewpoints in Context
Articles on topics of current social issues, presents the facts as well as arguments of proponents and detractors
Valid library card number required

Popular magazines and scholarly journal articles
Valid library card number required

Easy-to-use resources for K-12 students, including ProQuest Learning: Literature and History Study Center
Valid library card number required

SIRS Discoverer
High quality content in current events, history, health, language arts, math, science, social studies, and technology for elementary and middle school
Valid library card number required

World Book
The entire enclyclopedia plus maps, audio, videos, and interactive tools
Valid library card number required

Interactive and self-paced language learning
Valid library card number require

English and Literature

Notes on over 130 literature titles by title or topic to read online for free

Purdue Online Writing Lab
Writing resources and citation guides to assist with many writing projects

Online collection of teen novels, classics, graphic novels, poetry, and more for middle and high schools readers
Valid library card number required

History and Geography

CIA World Factbook
Information about the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues of hundreds of countries

Online encyclopedia of Washington state and local history

Spokane Historical
Project of the Public History program at Eastern Washington University for telling stories of Spokane and Eastern Washington using maps and landmarks

Cultural information on peoples throughout the world
Valid library card number required

Biography in Context
Biographies of contemporary and historical figures
Valid library card number required

Math and Science

Articles, games and videos to learn about weather, satellite meteorology, Earth science, and jobs in weather sciences

Student Science
Science news articles and suggestions for hands-on activities, books, and web resources

Gale in Context: Science
Articles, experiments, biographies, images, videos, and more
Valid library card number required