Search results for: seed library

Library Top 10

December 30, 2014

By Rachel Edmondson I have a confession to make. I love “Top 10” lists, year-in-reviews, countdowns, you name it. I’m always so curious to see what is most popular and how it compares to my choices and preferences. Whether it is baby names, songs or books, I’m always intrigued. I must not be the only […]

Helpful Spring Gardening Programs, Informative Books & the Latest from the Master Gardeners

April 11, 2023

By Crystal Miller Spring is upon us and that means there’s a new crop of gardening programs on offer at our libraries, fresh gardening books on our shelves, and seed libraries to visit. Our long-time community partner, the WSU Extension Spokane County Master Gardeners, has been presenting gardening programs and hosting a plant clinic at […]

Year in Review: Our Libraries in 2022

December 28, 2022

By Jane Baker It will come as no surprise that the library has books. Fiction and nonfiction, picture books and weighty tomes, fantasy adventures and practical how-to guides, our shelves are filled with so many reading options. What may be a surprise is all the ways in which our libraries are more than books. Here […]

Gifts of experience for less stress and more joy this holiday season

December 11, 2018

By Abra Cole The holiday season is here again! I love the smells of goodies baking in the oven, the peacefulness of the fluffy snow falling outside, and the excited sounds of kids clamoring to get the best spot by the Christmas tree and all the gifts. Usually at our house, that last one is […]

Anticipation and inspiration: Getting ready for spring gardening

February 27, 2018

by Abra Cole It’s nearly Go Time, my gardening friends! We’ve almost made it through the winter, through the snow and the ice, through the below-freezing temperatures. We have watched last summer’s plants freeze and die back, disappear under a blanket of snow, and get stomped on (along with other indecencies) by neighborhood cats. We […]

Ways to Enjoy Nature & the Outdoors with Birdwatching, Beekeeping & Gardening

February 22, 2024

If you’d like to start thinking about spring, planning for your garden, and exploring more of what nature has to offer, then the library has a full slate of programs this spring to help you enjoy the outdoors—including your own backyard. You can enjoy birdwatching, beekeeping, and gardening events that will…

Admiring Book Art: Imagining Your Own Stories When Viewing Illustrations

November 1, 2023

My favorite book illustrations are the ones that feel like paintings. Sometimes they captivate me because they tell a clear story in one glance. Sometimes I’m drawn in because of their mystery, and I squint harder, wanting to puzzle out the meaning. No matter how it happens, I treasure those moments when I am transported by a skillfully executed piece of art. In search of that experience of awe, I combed the library’s shelves of picture books…

15 Minutes of Community Science Can Make a World of Difference

February 2, 2023

When you hear someone say that that something is “for the birds,” they mean it is foolish and not to be taken too seriously. This month, the Great Backyard Bird Count on February 17–20 invites everyone to do something for the birds that isn’t foolish, is in fact helpful, and could be quite fascinating…

3 Easy Gardening Projects to Tackle This Spring, Plus Helpful Programs for Gardeners

February 16, 2022

These three gardening projects for the 2022 season are a bit more urban in nature than for those with vegetable gardens: dividing perennials, adding a second rain barrel, and creating a container herb garden. Check out the library’s gardening resources & upcoming programs to see your projects come to life.

Winter preparation for your spring garden

February 17, 2021

BY ABRA COLE Gardening season is fast approaching. Whether you’re planning your second or first pandemic garden, or if you’ve been gardening for years, the library is here for you! Late winter is an ideal time for garden planning. It may be too early to start seeds in the still-frozen soil, but it’s not too […]