Search results for: seed library

Let’s go outside! Wintertime play & activities for everyone

December 17, 2020

By Abra Cole Winter officially starts next week on December 21. This fall, we’ve already had below freezing temperatures and snow. And in the months ahead, we can expect even more snowy days and below freezing cold. I propose the following idea: there is no reason to shelter inside until spring! As the Norwegians say: […]

Celebrate the Lunar New Year with family, food, and festivities

February 5, 2019

By Susan Goertz Congratulations! You made it to 2019. I hope the year so far is treating you kindly. If your resolutions are starting to fall by the wayside, or the glum weather is getting to you, don’t worry. There is another chance for a fresh start—the Lunar New Year! As you know, the modern […]

Overabundance: What to do when the produce is piling up

September 7, 2017

By Susan Goertz This spring, I bought a house with a lovely little backyard. At the time, it was pretty hard to tell what was growing back there—just what looked like lots of promising looking twigs and buds. As spring warmed into summer, my vegetative bounty slowly revealed itself. Every new discovery was a delight […]

Building and planting next year’s garden

September 13, 2016

By David Wyatt Earlier this summer when it was still scorching, I fenced off a portion of our yard to keep our new raised-bed garden out of reach of our two mutts. The dogs were not pleased to have lost some of their lawn. Too exhausted from the heat to do any more, I took […]

The dirt on gardening with kids

May 19, 2016

By Rachel Edmondson I feel the need to start with a disclaimer: I do not have a green thumb. Nowhere close to it. That said, we have a small, raised garden bed in our backyard, and each year we’ve attempted to grow a few vegetables with varying success. Before our kids came into our life, […]

Board books you’re bound to love

April 7, 2016

by Sheri Boggs Board books are undeservedly one of the most easily dismissed formats in all of children’s literature. With their chunky spines and thick, laminated pages, they’re designed to withstand the worst a baby can deliver, from a good, saliva-drenched gumming to being hurled from a high chair. They’re short by necessity—most around 22 […]

7 Cookbooks for your plant-based diet resolutions

January 21, 2016

By Brian Vander Veen This year I will have been vegetarian for some 15 years, if memory serves me right, and vegan for roughly the last 10. And yet, there was a time I barely knew how to peel a potato. I had fancied myself pretty decent at grilling steaks or baby back ribs but vegetables were […]

Clothing the community: Q&A with Kira’s Kloset founder Debbie Wraspir

January 6, 2016

By Rachel Edmondson It’s that time of year again. When resolutions are fresh and resolve is still intact. As usual, one of my resolutions is to declutter my house. After visiting Kira’s Kloset, I think I’m going to begin by decluttering my kids’ closets. I got the privilege of visiting Kira’s Kloset when the library […]

Mixtape: A non-traditional Halloween playlist

October 21, 2015

By David Wyatt This might be heretical, but as far as Halloween-themed music goes I have never been a fan of Tim Burton’s soundtracks, Rob Zombie gets old after the n-teenth time, and Ghostbusters is a little too upbeat for my taste. I get it though—it’s easy to make a list of songs or albums […]

Cooking with Kids

April 22, 2015

By Kim Harshberger I survey the damage and sigh. There are lemon seeds strewn across the counter. Pumpkin and sunflower seeds are scattered about the floor. Measuring cups, mixing bowls, and cutting boards fill my sink. I hate cooking with my kids. To be fair, I hate cooking with anyone. I believe preparing food is […]