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Search results for: food drive

Ham On Regal

February 26, 2015

By Aileen Luppert A person must have incredible dedication, passion and drive to agree to volunteer 20 hours a week, for months at a time, on top of a full-time job. Would you give up 8 hours every Saturday for three months? Tom Blue, and thousands of volunteers over the last 52 years have done […]

Beat the (Post) Holiday Blues

January 6, 2015

By Rachel Edmondson I grew up in Western Washington where it rains a lot but doesn’t get quite as chilly as here in the Inland Northwest. On the west side, snow was an exciting event that only happened every once in a while. In Spokane, there are years it seems the snow is here forever, […]

Guilty Pleasures

December 18, 2014

By Kim Harshberger Well, the holidays are upon us. I don’t know about you but a part of me dreads this time of year. It’s an endless stream of decadent treats that I can’t seem to resist. It has been a tradition in my family to bake loads of cookies and treats in the weeks […]

Eagle-Spotting For Beginners

December 10, 2014

By Jane Baker One of the best gifts we receive during the holidays, here in the Northwest, is the annual visit of the eagles to Lake Coeur d’Alene. A lot has been written locally about the eagle watch, and rightfully so. To live in the area and miss the yearly visit is an opportunity lost. […]

Easy Lunches For Busy People

October 29, 2014

By Kelsey Hudson Sitting down at work the other day with my takeout for lunch, I realized that I couldn’t remember the last time I had actually brought a meal from home for lunch. Between frozen meals and eating out, I probably haven’t enjoyed a homemade lunch in months. I have no issue with eating […]

Hammockfest 2014 | Spokane County Library District

Stunt Memoir: Hammock Edition

August 19, 2014

By Sheri Boggs Some people cook every recipe in Julia Child’s Mastering the Art of French Cooking and then blog about it. Others write whole books about reading the entire Encyclopaedia Britannica in their quest to “become the smartest person in the world.” Me, I just wanted to lay around in a hammock. So I […]

How (Not) to Go Camping | Spokane County Library District

How (Not) to Go Camping With Kids

August 12, 2014

By Rachel Edmondson I’ve never been an avid camper. My husband and I did enjoy the occasional camping trip during the first few years of our marriage. We enjoyed the time in nature, the adventure of cooking outdoors, and the excitement of exploring a new place. But since we had kids, our tent has remained […]

Liquid Lit: Booze and Book Pairings

July 15, 2014

by Sheri Boggs Pairing drinks with books is an exercise in mood and mixology. With food, it’s a little easier. The flavors of the beverage are there to enhance and highlight the flavors of the food. And if you run into trouble there are countless books, websites and even apps advising everything from what wines […]

Help on Wheels

June 26, 2014

by Aileen Luppert We have all had times in which life’s challenges push us to the point of needing help. The first time I was without a job, I was at a loss as to what to do. When the next job didn’t come quickly, someone suggested that I see if I could get help […]

eBooks for Travel

June 3, 2014

by Debra Park Forming travel plans for the summer? Whether visiting Siberia or Disneyland, library eBooks make decisions easier than ever. A range of recommended travel guides, published by Frommer’s, Fodor’s, and Lonely Planet, provide country or regional highlights, maps and recommendations of what to see; some eBooks are filled with interactive links. Find the […]