Posted in Explore and Discover, News on May 16, 2024 at 6:30 am
The library has eight new, themed Stay Sharp Kits available to check out, making a total of 19 different themed kits in our collection. Stay Sharp Kits have been put together with activities that can be used with individuals who are experiencing memory loss or other cognitive issues related to dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and other memory disorde […]
Tags: adults, Alzheimer's, dementia, Library of Things, memory loss, stay sharp kit
Posted in Explore and Discover on July 26, 2023 at 6:00 am
Dementia is a term that encompasses several diseases that affect the brain and cause memory issues. Unfortunately, dementia isn’t uncommon for our aging population. A common misconception is that extreme memory loss and forgetfulness is a regular symptom of aging. However... […]
Tags: adults, Alzheimer's, books, caregivers, dementia, digital resources, memory, memory cafe, memory care, memory loss, resources