Posted in Explore and Discover on November 22, 2017 at 6:00 am
by Abra Cole Readers quickly divide into two groups when it comes to audiobooks: those who consider listening to audiobooks as reading and those who don’t (“it’s cheating!”). On which side do you fall? I am a lifelong member of the pro-audiobook club. I’ve been listening to books for as long as I can remember. […]
Tags: adults, audiobooks, authors, booklists, books, digital library, family, hoopla, kids, overdrive, parents, teens, tweens, YA
Posted in kids, Parents and Teachers on October 31, 2017 at 6:00 am
by Gwendolyn Haley I hear my grandfather’s voice when I read The Tale of Peter Rabbit. He did not read to me regularly. We lived very far away from him and only saw those grandparents once or twice a year. But when he read that story to me, it was magical. I have read the […]
Tags: authors, Beverly Cleary, books, Charlotte's Web, children's books, E. B. White, family, kids, Ludwig Bemelmans, parents, Peter Rabit, Ramona, reading, reading together, young learners
Posted in Explore and Discover on October 24, 2017 at 6:00 am
by Susan Goertz As a chill grips the autumn air and the chlorophyll leaches from the leaves, my mind turns toward the spooky. Nothing to get your heart racing and the cold sweat pouring on a crisp night like a good scary story. Horror is a very broad genre. There are a lot of options […]
Tags: adults, authors, booklists, books, digital library, family, Frankenstein, frightening, ghosts, Halloween, holidays, hoopla, horror, kids, monsters, movies, music, parents, reading, scary books, scarymovies, spooktacular, spooky, spooky stories, spooky tales, tweens, witches, YA, young learners
Posted in News on October 16, 2017 at 6:00 am
We’re celebrating our 75th anniversary with a community anthology featuring writers of all ages from Spokane County and surrounding areas. NORTH SPOKANE LIBRARY Saturday, November 4, 6:30–8pm You’re invited to hear local writers read their work from Spokane Writes: A Poetry & Prose Anthology. Plus listen to live music from guitarist John […]
Tags: adults, anthology, authors, book launch, book release party, celebration, community, essays, fiction, friends, friends of the library, Friends of the Spokane County Library District, kids, music, nonfiction, poems, poetry, prose, reading, Spokane Writes, stories, teens, tweens, writing
Posted in Explore and Discover on September 28, 2017 at 6:00 am
By Stefani Miller Three years ago, organizing consultant Mari Kondo released her mega-best seller The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. Many a home and closet were whipped into shape, but no one I knew had taken on Kondo’s challenge. Certainly not me, with my infamous bin full of winter clothes that may or may not […]
Tags: ARC of Spokane, authors, books, clutter, declutter, DIY, donating, downsize, downsizing, Dress for Success, KonMari Method, Mari Kondo, q&a, reading, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, tidy
Posted in Explore and Discover on May 11, 2017 at 6:00 am
By Carlie Hoffman Before the internet, I had only one way to serendipitously find my next read at the library: wander the book stacks until an interesting book cover or an evocative title caught my eye. Fortunately, finding books through this process often lead to new favorites. Now I have even more ways to find […]
Tags: authors, book groups, book news, book recommendations, book updates, booklists, books, new books, newsletter, popular books, reading, SelectReads
Posted in Explore and Discover on May 9, 2017 at 6:00 am
By Abra Cole Every year around this time, I think to myself, “Hooray, we made it! Thank goodness spring is here!” Of course, that’s usually when it starts to snow again. I know we will have a hot summer again soon enough, but after a winter like the one we’ve just been through, I can’t […]
Posted in Explore and Discover on January 24, 2017 at 6:00 am
By Erin Dodge My inner fangirl starts jumping up and down every time I find out that an author is coming to the library to give a reading or discuss writing. So you can imagine the backflips (my inner fangirl is much more flexible than I am) when I heard that three amazing authors are […]
Tags: adults, author visit, authors, books, events, reading, romance, romance series, writing
Posted in Explore and Discover on October 27, 2016 at 6:00 am
By Claire Rudolf Murphy On October 30, longtime writing friend Sarah Conover and I will present a session on the writing life for the NaNoWriMo Readiness Conference. After two days of sessions about elements of craft at Moran Prairie Library, ours will be the final event of the weekend. I teach in a graduate writing […]
Tags: authors, classes, community, NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month, professional writer, writers life, writing
Posted in Explore and Discover on September 22, 2016 at 6:00 am
By Sheri Boggs Local author Mary Cronk Farrell writes about the kinds of people whose stories aren’t widely told, but ought to be. In Pure Grit: How American World War II Nurses Survived Battle and Prison Camp in the Pacific, she tells the story of nearly 100 army and navy nurses who struggled to not […]
Tags: authors, battle zones, books, family, history, illustrated books, nonfiction, parents, POW, prison camp, prisoner of war, Warsaw, WWII, YA, young learners