Posted in Explore and Discover on July 6, 2022 at 6:00 am
By Abra Cole Ah, summer! The sun is shining (we hope), the grass is green, and pollen is everywhere. For some of us, this is the season when we head outdoors as much as possible, to dig in the soil, go on walks, explore nature, and get dirty every day. For others, none of this […]
Tags: adults, armchair travel, board games, booklists, books, CDs, coffee table books, community, dice games, DVDs, games, kids, Libby app, nature sounds, overdrive, parents, reading, teens, travelogues, tweens, virtual tour, World Book
Posted in Parents and Teachers on February 12, 2020 at 6:00 am
By Rachel Edmondson I have always been a fan of games. When my kids were younger, I could hardly wait for them to be old enough to move on from Candy Land to more interesting games—ones that I could actually enjoy too! When thinking about games, we often think about reasoning and strategy, which are […]
Tags: addition, board games, cards, counting, dice, Families, games, kids, learning, math, multiplication, parents, playing, subtraction