Posted in Explore and Discover, For You on July 8, 2015 at 6:00 am
By Gwendolyn Haley When I tell people I’m a librarian, I often get a response like: “Oh, I’ve always wanted to be a librarian. You have all that time to just sit and read.” The truth of the matter is, while many of our library members do just that in our libraries, librarians don’t ever have time […]
Posted in Explore and Discover, For You, kids on June 25, 2015 at 6:00 am
By Clarissa Fidler I confess that I don’t know a lot about Star Wars. Growing up my exposure to the “Force” was limited to a few viewings of Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi at a family friend’s house. Jabba the Hut always creeped me out but I loved Princess Leia’s strong character […]
Posted in Explore and Discover, For You on June 18, 2015 at 6:00 am
By Brian Vander Veen As a kid, I spent quite a bit of time worrying about global nuclear annihilation. I was seven when the made-for-TV movie The Day After aired, too young to process much of the plot but old enough to remember the images of people being reduced to skeletal outlines by the flash […]
Posted in Explore and Discover, For You, kids, Parents and Teachers, Teens on June 10, 2015 at 6:00 am
By Kelsey Hudson School’s almost out for the summer, which means a big jump in activity at the library from some of our youngest members. From picture books and graphic novels to easy readers and classic chapter books, they’ll be flying off the shelves as families swing into summer. Summer can be a great time to branch […]
Tags: booklists, kids, Liquid Lit, teens, tweens
Posted in Explore and Discover, For You, kids, Teens on June 9, 2015 at 6:00 am
By Sheri Boggs In all honesty, I can’t have things on my actual coffee table because my six-month-old puppy would eat them. However, I do have a desk at work that is covered with not only the journals, notebooks, and pens I use to do my job, but also stacks of hastily scrambled notes, Advance Readers […]
Tags: booklists, kids, on my coffee table, teens, tweens
Posted in Explore and Discover, For You, kids, Teens on June 4, 2015 at 6:00 am
By Rachel Edmondson Whether you love them or hate them, family road trip season is just around the corner. I vividly remember road trips from when I was a kid. At the beginning everyone was filled with anticipation, halfway through we all started to get bored, and by the end all anyone could think was “Are we there […]
Posted in Explore and Discover, For You on May 14, 2015 at 6:00 am
By Kim Harshberger In recent years I have noticed that I have a consistent reading cycle. I enjoy reading all sorts of material but I tend to stick with one type for a period time. When it comes to fiction, I most enjoy reading books that are a series. I recently finished the first three […]
Tags: booklists, books, on my coffee table
Posted in Explore and Discover, For You on April 23, 2015 at 6:00 am
By Sheri Boggs So I’m beginning to realize that I am not much different than who I was at eleven years old. I was dreamy, impatient, outdoorsy but unathletic, super sensitive, and full of questions about the world. I read a lot of Judy Blume back then. At the time, she was the only writer […]
Posted in Explore and Discover, For You on April 16, 2015 at 6:00 am
By Brian Vander Veen The Hugo Awards, arguably the most prestigious awards in science fiction and fantasy, are awarded every year at the World Science Fiction Convention, which this year is being hosted in our very own Spokane. And, as our luck would have it, this year the award nominations have also turned out to […]
Tags: adults, booklists, science fiction
Posted in Explore and Discover, For You on March 25, 2015 at 6:00 am
By Kelsey Hudson I’ll let you in on a little-known librarian secret—we don’t get to read quite as much as we’d like and we definitely haven’t read or watched everything in the library. Don’t get me wrong, there are so many amazing things to enjoy in our libraries, but more often than not, my “to […]
Tags: booklists, books, on my coffee table