TAG: community

How to plan a last-minute staycation

Posted in Explore and Discover, For You, kids on July 28, 2015 at 6:00 am

By Rachel Edmondson With August only a few days away, the end of summer is coming way too fast. Or, if your kids are driving you crazy with their refrain of “I’m bored,” maybe it’s not coming fast enough! Either way, this is the time of year when I start to feel like summer is […]

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Little Free Libraries: Hope for the Future

Posted in Explore and Discover, For You on July 7, 2015 at 6:00 am

By Clarissa Fidler Turn south onto Conklin Road from Sprague Ave and you’ll find a vacant field nestled between a credit union and a large apartment complex. A sign bearing the words “Future home of Conklin Road library” stands a couple hundred feet away from the property’s only other structure: a newly installed Little Free […]


Take Me Out to the Ballgame: Kid-Friendly Fun with the Spokane Indians

Posted in Explore and Discover, For You, kids on June 24, 2015 at 6:00 am

By Rachel Edmondson When my oldest daughter was still in diapers, my husband and I decided to brave our first baseball game with a kid in tow. We packed our diaper bag to overflowing, slathered on the sunscreen, and, with a little trepidation, headed to a Spokane Indians baseball game with some friends. We weren’t […]

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Hire Me: Tips for Writing Your First Resume

Posted in Business and Careers, Explore and Discover, For You, Teens on June 23, 2015 at 6:00 am

By Aileen Luppert There is a first time for everything—including writing a resume. It has been many years since I wrote my first resume, but I still remember how overwhelming it felt. Those feelings of anxiety recently resurfaced when I was working with a group of students who needed to prepare their first resume. Like […]

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Every Hero Has a Story

Posted in Explore and Discover, For You, kids, Teens on June 16, 2015 at 6:00 am

By Gwendolyn Haley There’s something about reading during the summer that’s just magical as a child. I remember one year, I spent an entire day in my treehouse with my friend Darcie. We had snacks and the complete Anne of Green Gables series. We must have read for over 10 hours; ok, maybe it wasn’t quite […]

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The Essential Summer Date Guide

Posted in Explore and Discover, For You on June 3, 2015 at 6:00 am

By Clarissa Fidler With temperatures rising and the promise of more sunny days ahead of us, my boyfriend and I have found ourselves musing about all the fun dates we’re going to go on this summer. I even created a shared Pinterest board for us to keep track of our date ideas (and yes, my […]

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From Student to Worker with Spokane Valley Tech

Posted in Business and Careers, For You, Teens on May 28, 2015 at 6:00 am

By Sheree West You never know where an opportunity like taking a school tour might lead you. Last fall, I toured Spokane Valley Tech (SVT), a unique learning environment where high school students gain technical skills with a focus on career and college readiness. The director led me around the facility and explained the school’s […]

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Get Your Bike in Gear

Posted in Explore and Discover, For You on May 26, 2015 at 6:00 am

Get Your Bike in Gear by Gwendolyn Haley | Spokane County Library District By Gwendolyn Haley I have always depended upon the kindness of strangers, particularly when it comes to all things mechanical. Somehow, I have been fortunate enough to be in the right spot at the right time to encounter someone with the skills I need. Last year, a friend and I went for a bike ride […]

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Meet the Bloggers

Posted in Explore and Discover, For You on May 19, 2015 at 6:00 am

Every week our blog team brings you posts with topics ranging from tween birthday party tips to resources for starting your own small business. It’s all for you—our fantastic members! A short writer bio appears at the end of every blog post, but we thought it would be fun for each of us to answer […]

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If the Shoe Fits: Q&A with Curt Kinghorn of Runners Soul

Posted in Explore and Discover, For You on May 6, 2015 at 6:00 am

By Gwendolyn Haley I love shoes. Some days picking out which pair to wear is truly the best part of my day. My husband recently made a pointed remark about the number of shoes in my closet. I quickly reminded him that different occasions call for particular types of footwear. Some events I need high heels or sandals, […]

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