Posted in kids, Parents and Teachers on February 20, 2018 at 6:00 am
By Rachel Edmondson If your family is like mine, then February is peak cabin fever season. While we still bundle up and go outside occasionally, we don’t last long when the weather is so chilly. This leaves a lot of time spent inside trying to keep ourselves entertained. While we love reading books, watching movies, […]
Tags: activities, baking, blanket fort, cabin fever, cookbooks, cooking, crafts, dance, decorate eggs, family, flashlight tag, food, hobbies, hoopla, indoor, indoor fort, kids, library, movies, music, parents, recycling, STEM, tag, teens, tweens, upcycling, young learners
Posted in Explore and Discover on August 8, 2017 at 6:00 am
by Gwendolyn Haley My eyes are bigger than my freezer and pantry. Every year, I plant a little garden, only to be overwhelmed when everything starts to ripen at once. My family starts to groan and say, “No more… beans, tomatoes, squash” and so on. Each spring, I underestimate just how much produce will come […]
Tags: backyard bounty, bounty, community, food, fruit, garden, gardening, produce, produce swap, vegetables, veggies
Posted in Explore and Discover on May 23, 2017 at 6:00 am
By Stefani Miller Walking into the cookbook section at the library can be a little intimidating. There are so many books with lovely, enticing pictures on the cover. How are you supposed to choose which one to take home and which one to leave on the shelf? Don’t panic! I’ve been testing them out in […]
Tags: adults, booklists, books, cookbook, cooking, food, recipes
Posted in Explore and Discover on April 25, 2017 at 6:00 am
By Erin Dodge I met with Teresa Sadler of Pumpkin Patch Community Garden to talk about the garden and learn her take on gardening, especially as a community. Originally a pumpkin patch and then a parking lot and staging site for the construction company that built the bridge over the river, the community garden was […]
Tags: adults, community, community garden, DIY, family, food, fruit, gardening, hobbies, kids, parents, plants, plot gardening, produce, urban farming, vegetables, veggies
Posted in Explore and Discover on March 7, 2017 at 6:00 am
By Melanie Boerner Do you get home from a busy day and just can’t bring yourself to make a meal for the family? I feel this way most weekdays! I don’t think it is just me—I bet lots of busy parents do, too. On the weekend, I can whip up an elaborate meal with the […]
Posted in Explore and Discover on February 7, 2017 at 6:00 am
By Amanda Flanery “Love is in the air and it smells like coffee.” —Unknown How many of you, by a show of empty cups/mugs, have a stack of coffee stand cards in your vehicle or wallet? Do you also think the best time for coffee is right now? And in a few minutes from now? […]
Tags: adults, books book list, classes, coffee, coffeertunist, community, cooking, espresso, events, food, latte, recipe, recipes
Posted in Explore and Discover on January 31, 2017 at 6:00 am
By David Wyatt “The keeping of bees is like the direction of sunbeams.” ― Henry David Thoreau In the midst of February is probably not when most of us would be thinking of bees. However, it is an excellent time to plan for spring and think happy thoughts of the warmer seasons ahead. As part […]
Tags: adults, beekeeping, bees, booklists, books, community, education, food, hobbies, honey, kids, young learners
Posted in News on December 22, 2016 at 6:00 am
Spokane County Library District introduces Engage, the new magazine packed with information about events, workshops, and programs at the library. You can pick up Engage at any of our 10 libraries or view it online. Just like all of our events and programs, the magazine is free. When you open the pages of Engage, […]
Tags: adult, business, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, classes, community, concerts, cooking, education, Engage, events, family, family events, financial literacy, food, gardening, health, hobbies, kids, literature, magazine, Money Smart Week, music, parents, poetry, STEM, teachers, teens, The Yellow Wall-Paper, tweens, workshops, YA, young learners
Posted in Explore and Discover on October 18, 2016 at 6:00 am
By Stefani Miller If your favorite trick-or-treaters have four legs instead of two and speak in woofs, ruffs, and barks, then they’ll love these treats that are just for Fido and friends! Made with simple, everyday ingredients that dogs love, you can bet these two snacks will get their tails wagging. Along with the […]
Tags: baking, carob dog treats, cooking, dog treats, food, Halloween, holidays, peanut butter, pumpkin recipes, recipe
Posted in Explore and Discover on September 8, 2016 at 6:00 am
By Jane Baker The cardiologist gave me a choice: lose weight, lower your blood pressure, and get more cardio exercise or begin taking a prescription. After we talked it through, I made the decision to forgo the medication, and return in six months for a follow-up on how things were going. “Stay away from carbohydrates, […]
Tags: books, clean eating, cooking, diet, food, heart health, low-carb, paleo, recipes, science, Tiger Blood, whole 30, whole food, whole30