Posted in News on December 3, 2024 at 7:00 am
For many, the holiday season requires some preparation and work, including shopping, decorating, and crafting (not necessarily in that order). Your local library has online resources to help you this season and all year long. Check these out... […]
Tags: consumer reports, cooking, crafting, creativebug, decorating, digital library, digital resources, Flipster, holidays, online resources, resources, shopping
Posted in Explore and Discover on December 6, 2023 at 6:00 am
Experience the joy of making with the library’s digital resource: Creativebug. It offers free, online art and craft classes that you can watch anytime, anywhere. All you need to explore your creativity is... […]
Tags: adults, crafting, crafts, creativebug, decorations, gifts, holidays, kids, online classes, parents, teens, tweens, video classes
Posted in Parents and Teachers on October 11, 2023 at 6:00 am
Autumn is a beautiful time. Deciduous trees make their colorful transformations. Cooler temperatures prevail. People revel in steaming beverages and cuddly sweaters.
Autumn is also the time when seasonal children’s books are especially popular for check out. Even with over 100 picture book titles that come up in our catalog for searches for autu […]
Tags: autumn, booklists, books, celebrations, fall, holidays, kids, parents, picture books, reading, seasons
Posted in Explore and Discover on December 2, 2020 at 6:00 am
By Gwendolyn Haley It’s a contentious and potentially divisive subject: When does the Christmas and holiday music season start? Is it okay to play holiday music before Thanksgiving? Before Halloween? In July!? Personally, I find that my preference for holiday music depends upon the year. Sometimes I am fully ready to dive in as soon […]
Posted in Explore and Discover on December 11, 2018 at 6:00 am
By Abra Cole The holiday season is here again! I love the smells of goodies baking in the oven, the peacefulness of the fluffy snow falling outside, and the excited sounds of kids clamoring to get the best spot by the Christmas tree and all the gifts. Usually at our house, that last one is […]
Tags: adults, adventure, books, classes, community, concerts, cooking, crafts, DIY, events, experiences, family gifts, food, games, gardening, gift of experience, gifts, hobbies, holiday gift guide, holiday gifts, holidays, kids, microadventure, microadventures, parents, sporting events, teens, travel, tweens
Posted in kids, Parents and Teachers on December 4, 2018 at 6:00 am
By Susan Goertz The scent of holidays is in the air. Crisp frost and cinnamon seem to waft near every doorway. We scramble to prepare for social gatherings while dreaming of time. Time to relax and enjoy the season. Time to be with loved ones, remember seasons past, decorate, and eat all the desserts. The […]
Tags: Albers, art, artists, Basquiat, books, books about artists, Chagall, family, Grandma Moses, holiday gifts, holidays, Kahlo, kids, kids books, Matisse, O'Keeffe, parents, Picasso, picture books, reading, what if, young learners
Posted in Parents and Teachers on December 12, 2017 at 6:00 am
by Rachel Edmondson The holiday season is often fraught with emotions. Many adults find themselves stressed, excited, joyous, and sad—sometimes all in the same day! It’s helpful to remember that the children in our lives are often dealing with the same strong emotions. While having a vacation from school, receiving gifts, attending celebrations […]
Tags: booklists, books, children, children's books, early learners, early learning, early literacy, emotional, emotions, family, feelings, health, holiday season, holidays, kids, parents, picture books, preschoolers, reading, social-emotional, social-emotional skills, social-emotional tools, toddlers, young learners
Posted in Explore and Discover on October 24, 2017 at 6:00 am
by Susan Goertz As a chill grips the autumn air and the chlorophyll leaches from the leaves, my mind turns toward the spooky. Nothing to get your heart racing and the cold sweat pouring on a crisp night like a good scary story. Horror is a very broad genre. There are a lot of options […]
Tags: adults, authors, booklists, books, digital library, family, Frankenstein, frightening, ghosts, Halloween, holidays, hoopla, horror, kids, monsters, movies, music, parents, reading, scary books, scarymovies, spooktacular, spooky, spooky stories, spooky tales, tweens, witches, YA, young learners
Posted in Explore and Discover on November 22, 2016 at 6:00 am
By Sheri Boggs In looking over the thousands of books published in 2016, I have found that there’s no shortage of great gift ideas for the children and teens on your holiday list. A few high profile releases come out before or around Thanksgiving: Diary of a Wimpy Kid #11: Double Down and the newest […]
Tags: booklists, books, family, gift giving, gift ideas, gifts, holiday gifts, holidays, kids, parents, teens, tweens, young learners
Posted in Explore and Discover on October 18, 2016 at 6:00 am
By Stefani Miller If your favorite trick-or-treaters have four legs instead of two and speak in woofs, ruffs, and barks, then they’ll love these treats that are just for Fido and friends! Made with simple, everyday ingredients that dogs love, you can bet these two snacks will get their tails wagging. Along with the […]
Tags: baking, carob dog treats, cooking, dog treats, food, Halloween, holidays, peanut butter, pumpkin recipes, recipe