Posted in News, Parents and Teachers on April 14, 2022 at 4:00 am
ABCmouse is still free for everyone to use in all our libraries. And now all in-district library card holders can now access it from home or while traveling, anywhere with internet access! The curriculum is designed for kids ages 2–8 and includes reading, math, science, social studies, art, and music. Experts in early childhood education have des […]
Tags: ABCmouse, early learning, elementary, kids, Kindergarten, language, math, parents, pre-kindergarten, preschool, reading, ready for kindergarten, school skills
Posted in News on February 22, 2021 at 6:00 am
BY GWENDOLYN HALEY You may have already checked out the Ready for School with STEM kits for younger children (ages 3–5) from the library. Or perhaps you’ve borrowed our Snap Circuits set for elementary school students. We have heard positive reviews from library customers for both of these kits. In response, we are pleased to […]
Tags: activities, books, elementary, engineering, kids, math, parents, science, STEM, students, technology
Posted in News, Parents and Teachers on December 15, 2020 at 6:00 am
Guest blog by Dr. Allison Wilson Community spaces and familiar routines offer rich opportunities for meaningful interactions and learning with young children. Everyday Language and Learning Opportunities (Project ELLO) focuses on increasing the number of quality, language-rich interactions between caregivers and young children. ELLO resources encou […]
Tags: caregivers, child care, conversations, development, early learning, ELLO, kids, math, parents, talking
Posted in Parents and Teachers on February 12, 2020 at 6:00 am
By Rachel Edmondson I have always been a fan of games. When my kids were younger, I could hardly wait for them to be old enough to move on from Candy Land to more interesting games—ones that I could actually enjoy too! When thinking about games, we often think about reasoning and strategy, which are […]
Tags: addition, board games, cards, counting, dice, Families, games, kids, learning, math, multiplication, parents, playing, subtraction
Posted in Explore and Discover on August 17, 2017 at 6:00 am
by Nathaniel Youmans Shortly after 10am on Monday, August 21, 2017, a terrific spectacle of light and darkness will leave millions of people suspended in awe. It has happened before (most recently through the Pacific Northwest states back in 1979), but on this morning many will witness the first total solar eclipse since 1918 to […]
Tags: adults, astronomy, books, events, family, kids, math, mathematics, moon, mythology, myths, parents, partial solar eclipse, science, sky, solar eclipse, stars, STEM, Sun, technology, teens, total solar eclipse, tweens
Posted in Parents and Teachers on June 20, 2017 at 6:00 am
By Mary Ellen Braks This article is second in a 2-part series. The first article is 7 stages of block play: Building and early learning. As a librarian my go-to choice for baby gifts has always been books. The more books you have around your house and the more you read to children, the more likely it is […]
Tags: block play, blocks, Build a Better World, building, development, early learning, emotional, Hands-on Building, KEVA blocks, literacy, mash-ups, math, physical, Pre-K, pre-kindergarten, preschool, social, storytime, storytime mash-ups
Posted in Parents and Teachers on November 1, 2016 at 6:00 am
By Gwendolyn Haley STEM is a hot topic right now. STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) fields are the fastest growing sector of the economy, and businesses in Washington state are among the leading employers in these fields. As a parent, I want to make sure that my daughters are aware of all the opportunities […]
Tags: early learning, engineering, kids, Kindergarten, math, parents, Pre-K, preschool, science, STEM, STEM kits, technology, young learners
Posted in For You, Parents and Teachers on April 12, 2016 at 6:00 am
By Kelsey Hudson Card games are a way of life in my family. As children, we started off with simple games like Go Fish and Thirty-One. By elementary school, most of us had graduated to Golf and Spades. And forget moving up from the kids’ table at Thanksgiving—in my family you’re considered an adult when […]
Tags: card games, fun, games, kids, math, parenting, young learners
Posted in For You, Parents and Teachers on March 24, 2016 at 6:00 am
By Gwendolyn Haley Middle School Math is KILLING me. It started when our oldest daughter hit 7th grade and started Algebra. During the first open house of middle school, the wise and kind math teacher warned all the parents that “this first semester is a killer.” Truth. I spent one harried evening working on a […]
Tags: brainfuse, digital resources, helpnow, math, tutoring