Posted in News on June 29, 2023 at 4:00 am
New from Spokane Transit, the STA Rider’s License offers unlimited free bus rides, year-round, for youth ages 6–18 (kids under age 6 already ride free). Some facts about the STA Rider’s License... […]
Tags: Bus, bus pass, free, kids, parents, rider's license, Spokane Transit, STA, teens, tweens, unlimited, youth
Posted in kids on June 7, 2023 at 6:00 am
By Melissa Rhoades Juneteenth became a U.S. federal holiday in 2021. I admit I first heard of the commemorative day just a couple years before, but some American communities have been celebrating Juneteenth for 157 years. This year, I decided to learn more about the holiday celebration. It’s been enjoyable to discover its history and […]
Tags: books, celebration, history, Juneteenth, kids, parents, reading, slavery, teachers, teens, tweens
Posted in kids, News on April 25, 2023 at 6:00 am
By Sheri Boggs With summer just around the corner, many families are looking for convenient, inexpensive ways to keep the kids entertained and engaged. That’s why we’re excited to share the launch of a new collection that ticks all the boxes. Read-Along books (or simply, Read-Alongs) are regular hardcover children’s books with a sturdy audio […]
Tags: audio, audiobook, booklists, books, caregivers, Child, childcare, childrens, kids, parents, read-along books, read-alongs, reading, teachers, tweens
Posted in Explore and Discover on March 29, 2023 at 6:00 am
By Dana Mannino Did you know that the library has books in languages other than English? Currently, our largest non-English collection is in Spanish. We are actively building a collection in Russian and looking ahead to grow our collection in Marshallese and Arabic as well. These are the most common non-English languages spoken in the […]
Tags: adults, bilingual, books, foreign language, kids, language learning, multilingual, parents, pronunciator, reading, Spanish, world languages
Posted in Explore and Discover, Parents and Teachers on March 2, 2023 at 4:30 am
March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month and prompts us to consider our level of awareness, what is and isn’t in place in our community for inclusion of all people of all abilities, and what we can do as individuals and as a community to be open to and inclusive of everyone. In this guest blog, learn about Sensory Storytime and browse […]
Tags: adults, awareness, booklists, books, community, Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, disability, kids, parents, reading, story time, teens, tweens
Posted in Explore and Discover on February 22, 2023 at 6:00 am
By Abra Cole Random Acts of Kindness Random Acts of Kindness Day was February 17, 2023, and while it was perhaps overshadowed by Valentine’s Day, it still serves as a great reminder that we can all be kinder to each other every day of the year! Research has shown that being on the receiving end […]
Tags: adults, books, DVDs, kids, kindness, parents, proquest, teachers, teens, tweens
Posted in Explore and Discover, News on February 2, 2023 at 7:00 am
When you hear someone say that that something is “for the birds,” they mean it is foolish and not to be taken too seriously. This month, the Great Backyard Bird Count on February 17–20 invites everyone to do something for the birds that isn’t foolish, is in fact helpful, and could be quite fascinating... […]
Tags: adults, bird counting, bird watching, citizen science, community, community science, kids, Mason bees, parents, science, STEAM, STEM, teens
Posted in News on January 25, 2023 at 6:00 am
View movies, documentaries, foreign films, classic cinema, independent films, and educational videos that inspire, enrich, and entertain with Kanopy, the latest addition to our Digital Library. You can stream from Kanopy to enjoy an ad-free experience on your TV, mobile devices, and tablets as well as online in your browser. Viewing with Kanopy is […]
Tags: adults, devices, digital library, documentaries, film, Kanopy, kids, mobile, movies, online, online movies, parents, short films, streaming, teens
Posted in Parents and Teachers on January 24, 2023 at 6:00 am
By Melissa Rhoades Historic atrocities can feel like they’re not related to our lives today. But historic events were shaped and experienced by regular people like you and me. And regular people like you and me are shaping the future right now. As author Deborah Hopkinson writes in We Must Not Forget, “… it’s up […]
Tags: books, difficult topics, holocaust, International Holocaust Remembrance Day, kids, parents, racism, reading, talking
Posted in kids, Parents and Teachers on January 11, 2023 at 6:00 am
One of the best parts of working in a public library is interacting with children. Their wonder challenges adult cynicism. Their questions often make us think about the world in a new way. I asked my colleagues to share some of their favorite interactions children in the library. Here are some of those stories that we love. Kids can be tough custom […]
Tags: children, kids, parents, research, storytime, teachers