Posted in For You, kids, Parents and Teachers on February 24, 2015 at 6:00 am
By Rachel Edmondson What should I pack for my girls’ lunch? This is a question I ask myself often. Usually in the morning when we are running late, one girl can’t find her shoes and the other’s hair isn’t done. So I quickly grab the old standbys, throw them in their lunch bags, and we […]
Tags: Beating the Lunch Box Blues, cooking, food, kids, lunch, recipe review, recipes
Posted in For You, kids, Parents and Teachers on February 19, 2015 at 6:00 am
By Kim Harshberger I have received quite a few questions about what my family eats each week since my post about meal planning was published. I realize how hard it can be to get started or even keep up with meal planning. I also know that the weeks I slack off and get out of […]
Tags: cooking, food, recipe review, recipes