Posted in Explore and Discover on August 19, 2020 at 6:00 am
By Erin Dodge Next week, we’re hosting three EnviroKids’ Club programs (sign up before they fill up!), each showing kids and their families different ways that they can champion the environment and take action to make changes at home and in their neighborhoods. In case you missed the announcement, here are those three programs: EnviroKids’ […]
Tags: #envirokids, clean air, compost, engineering, envirokids club, environment, kids, parents, science, solid waste, STEM, teachers, water, worms
Posted in kids, News, Parents and Teachers on June 12, 2020 at 6:00 am
By Sheri Boggs It’s hard to know where to start the conversation about race with young children. After all, these conversations aren’t easy for most adults. With children there is the additional necessity of making sure the conversation is both age-appropriate and reassuring (at a time when the news is anything but). According to the […]
Tags: booklists, books, caregivers, human rights, kids, middle grade books, overdrive, parents, picture books, race, racial justice, reading, social justice, teachers, young adult books
Posted in News on June 3, 2020 at 10:38 am
Updated: September 27, 2022 Curbside pickup for holds is available at all libraries during library open hours. You can check library hours on our locations pages. When you come to the library, look for the curbside pickup signs in the parking lot. How to Pick Up Your Holds You can pick up holds at the […]
Tags: adults, books, catalog, CDs, check out, checkouts, curbside pickup, drive up, DVDs, holds, homeschool, items, kids, library, materials, parents, pickup, returns, teachers, teens
Posted in kids, News, Parents and Teachers on April 6, 2020 at 6:00 am
By Sheri Boggs If your kids have had a lot of questions or worries about COVID-19 and you’ve been struggling to find reassuring, age-appropriate resources, look no further. Adam Wallace, a graduate student in public health who is also stationed at Fairchild Air Force Base, launched a Kickstarter for his picture book on the virus […]
Tags: anxiety, coronavirus, COVID-19, digital, download, free, help, kids, local author, parents, pdf, picture book, teachers
Posted in kids, Parents and Teachers on March 11, 2020 at 6:00 am
By Gwendolyn Haley I have found that parenting includes the need to have difficult conversations with children. My family recently lost a beloved dog, Pepe, who had been with us for over 14 years. He was an old dog and spent more and more of his time resting and sleeping. So while we were prepared […]
Tags: books, caregivers, children, conversations, difficult, parents, programs, talks, teachers, teens, topics
Posted in News on January 28, 2020 at 6:00 am
Each month, you can find information, activities, and discussion on an issue facing our community at the Civic Lab. Take a look at thought-provoking materials and activities for teens and adults that allow us to engage in open conversation and grow together as a community. CIVIC LAB NORTH SPOKANEFeb–May 2020 February: Envisioning Our Future Durin […]
Tags: #metoo, adults, black history month, civic, civic lab, community, Discussion, opposing viewpoints in context, questions, strike, teachers, teens, women's history month
Posted in Parents and Teachers on November 27, 2019 at 6:00 am
By Rachel Edmondson My oldest daughter is an avid reader. However, for a year or so when she had just learned to read and was a good reader, she still hated reading. As a librarian, my response was—challenge accepted! I brought home lots of books on topics I knew interested her in a variety of […]
Tags: caregivers, children, first grade, graphic novel, graphic novels, kids, Kindergarten, parents, reading, reluctant reader, second grade, struggling reader, teachers, third grade
Posted in Explore and Discover on November 13, 2019 at 6:00 am
By Dana Mannino I always know when it’s research paper season. The first clue is that my work calendar explodes. For my work as a librarian, I offer research workshops to area high schools that aren’t fortunate enough to have their own library. Somehow all the requests for workshops come in at once. The second […]
Tags: Apps, digital library, digital resources, help, homework, librarian, library, Library Cards, online resources, parents, projects, questions, research, school papers, sources, students, teachers
Posted in Explore and Discover on April 23, 2019 at 6:00 am
By Rachel Edmondson I often hear people refer to Spokane as a big city with a small-town feel, and I think this is one of the reasons many people enjoy living in Spokane. However, when talking with customers and friends, I also hear more and more about how people don’t know their neighbors anymore. How […]
Tags: civic life, community, grandparents, inequality, kids, libraries, library, neighborhoods, neighbors, nonfiction, Palaces for the People, parents, parks, places, polarization, public life, schools, social, social infrastructure, social science, society, spaces, teachers, together
Posted in Parents and Teachers on February 20, 2019 at 6:00 am
By Abra Cole If you’re feeling like the parent of Ralphie from the movie A Christmas Story every time you try to get yourself and your kids bundled up to go outside, know that you are not alone. When the temperatures drop into (or below) the 20s, my family doesn’t spend as much time outdoors […]
Tags: activities, caregivers, cars, clean up, cotton balls, dancing, early learning, finger painting, flour, grandparents, indoor, infants, kids, loose parts, magnets, miscellaneous, parents, play, Play-Doh, pom-poms, preschoolers, rice, tape, teachers, toddlers, trucks, water