Posted in News on December 4, 2024 at 7:00 am
These colder months are the perfect time to find cozy activities to do at home. If you have a regular movie night or are thinking of adding a film-viewing event to your holiday season, check out Kanopy for free streaming from the library. […]
Tags: adults, cinema, digital library, documentaries, family, films, Kanopy, kids, movies, parents, shows, teens, tv, tweens
Posted in Explore and Discover on December 8, 2021 at 6:00 am
The holiday season is when I love to give books as presents to family and friends. I read a wide variety of titles throughout the year, and inevitably, as I’m reading, I’ll think of someone who will also enjoy the book. So, I’ve complied this list of books that could make great gifts for your loved ones too. I’ve sorted them into interests […]
Tags: baking, books, cooking, food, funeral planning, gardening, gift ideas, gifts, movies, music, nature, reading, travel, tv
Posted in kids, Parents and Teachers on May 8, 2018 at 6:00 am
by Rachel Edmondson I want to start this post with a promise and a disclaimer. First, I promise I am not going to tell you to never ever let your kids watch TV, play a video game, or use a tablet. Second, I’m also not going to give you concrete answers on how you should […]
Tags: 3 Cs of media use, babies, baby, Child, Content, Context, early learning, education, educational, entertainment, family, kids, media, media use, parenting, parents, preschooler, preschoolers, screen time, tablet, toddler, toddlers, tv, video game, young learners
Posted in News on May 10, 2017 at 6:00 am
By Amber Williams Want to make an amazing video or TV commercial? How about edit it so it goes viral? Now you can at The Studio. We’re pleased to announce the opening of The Studio at the Spokane Valley Library. What makes this space so exciting is what it offers: video, photo, and audio recording […]
Tags: Adobe Premiere Pro, audio, audio recording, Channel 14, Community Minded Television, film boot camp, Final Cut, photo, photography, software, sound recording, studio lighting, The Studio, tv, TV commercial, video, video editing, video recording
Posted in For You, Parents and Teachers on March 8, 2016 at 6:00 am
By Rachel Edmondson Welcome to the tail end of winter—one of the worst times of the year for parents living in cold climates. If your family is anything like mine, you’re all starting to feel a little bit stir crazy. Visiting the library to pick out new-to-you books and DVDs can be a great way […]