TAG: writing

Even a Superhero Needs a Fresh Resume

Posted in Business and Careers, For You on May 27, 2015 at 6:00 am

By Aileen Luppert Last year I was lucky enough to participate in a grant studying career development strategies. The training I received included a review of recent resume trends. So much has changed in the last ten years—enough to make me blush and blanch about my own outdated resume. When was the last time you refreshed your resume? If […]

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The Romance and Rewards of NaNoWriMo

Posted in Explore and Discover, For You, Prime Time, Teens on November 25, 2014 at 6:00 am

by Cara Strickland Confession: I’ve always secretly wanted to do NaNoWriMo. For those who might be unfamiliar with this concept, NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is an attempt to write a 50,000 word novel between November 1 and November 30 (at 11:59pm). I went to college to write fiction, gave up writing for a while […]

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Supporting Your Local NaNoWriMo Writer

Posted in Explore and Discover, For You on November 13, 2014 at 6:00 am

By Gwendolyn Haley Every year, I dread the arrival of November, because it means I have to say goodbye to my husband for a month while he participates in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), by attempting to write a novel of 50,000 words in one month. Sure, he’s still at home, but when your loved […]

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Dealing With Creative Block

Posted in Explore and Discover, For You on November 6, 2014 at 6:00 am

By Cara Strickland It happens to all of us: the blank screen, the empty studio, the silent singing voice. Occasionally, we’re all visited by block of one kind or another. What’s a creative person to do? Although some blocks just take time to lift and lessen, there are a few things I’ve found to help […]

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Literary Lessons

Posted in Explore and Discover, For You, Prime Time on October 30, 2014 at 6:00 am

By Sheri Boggs I’m a little bit addicted to books about writing. And workshops about writing. And conferences and tote bags and online courses and story dice. My office is spilling over with titles like The Nighttime Novelist and The Making of a Story. I can’t move in there without stumbling over gobs of pages of […]

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What To Do With an English Major

Posted in Business and Careers, Explore and Discover, For You, Parents and Teachers, Prime Time, Teens on July 17, 2014 at 6:00 am

By Cara Strickland When I was an English major in college, I was often faced with that question. The one that is rarely posed to business majors, but almost always asked of those studying the liberal arts. “What are you going to do with that?” This happened at family gatherings, occasionally in the supermarket, and […]

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